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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hot Air Balloons and the Wizard of Oz

I have been thinking about this post for a long time.  Well over a year.  It all started with the release of OZ: The Great and Powerful movie back in March of last year.  I had always been a fan of the original Wizard of Oz movie and waited with great anticipation for its "next installment".  Hot Air Balloon displays started appearing in store windows and on fabric (which I promptly purchased).

 I found interesting walking paths that reminded me of what the Yellow Brick Road may have looked like (minus the yellow) and started envisioning my own take on the theme.  We use to see Hot Air balloons during summer nights and mornings in Michigan and Illinois, and floating across the acres of grapes in California.  We even took our first voyage in a hot air balloon in Colorado-- what fun!

I finally got around to making three tote bags for little girls with the hot air balloon fabric but wanted to take a picture of the bags being "floated" by balloons.  The bags would be the "basket" of each Hot Air Balloon.  Well, after several popping balloons and two trips to the Party Shop, I was able to complete my idea, kind-of.  We had more balloons pop, the bags were a "bit" too heavy, it was no longer dawn (and not yet dusk) and it was getting windy.  I believe my husband was able to snap this picture and while not quite the look I had imagined, it will have to suffice!

I think you get the idea.  Imagination is one thing, execution is a whole 'nother.  Now, on to the next project!